Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update

Updates on The Women’s Health Clinic’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) actions Please note: this page will be regularly updated (bookmark this page to reference easily) CORONAVIRUS UPDATE – Thursday 27th January 2022I am pleased to see that some of the Covid restrictions we...
Coronavirus Update


Coronavirus policies 4.1 The Women’s Health Clinic recognises that the outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus SARS coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) which results in the disease COVID-19 is a fast-moving situation. With the WHO stating that it is too early to say whether...
Showbiz Vaginal Rejuvenation

Showbiz Vaginal Rejuvenation

Celebrity Vagina – Why is it always in the News? Its 2022 and the “Vagina” is still a taboo subject and one would be forgiven for thinking that a vaginal treatment is no longer something that grabs headlines, sells tabloids and more disappointing of all pushes the...
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health

Earlier this week, Emma Soos, managing director of The Women’s Health Clinic attended the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health and gave an insight into our petition and the struggle to raise awareness of new and beneficial treatments in the media...
FDA warning – Vaginal Rejuvenation

FDA warning – Vaginal Rejuvenation

The Women’s Health Clinic (TWHC) agrees with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning – “Vaginal Rejuvenation” and potential health risk Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are becoming more popular to relieve painful sex, dryness and stress incontinence. There is...