A consultation in a private and discrete setting at a time that is convenient for you,
Sexual Health
Safe | Quick | Shared decision making
Sexual Health
Treatment Scope

Informed choices

HPV/Genital Warts

Virtual clinics

Safe sex


In clinic

Birth Control

Family planning

Reproductive health






What is sexual health?
At our branch, The Women’s Health Clinic, we believe all women deserve a health and fulfilling sex life. Beginning comfortable conversations and asking questions regarding sexual health is a big step – a step we encourage women from all ages to take. Its important to take care of your sexual health and be provided with plenty of information. This is why we are offering a full range of sexual health screening and contraceptive advice including long action reversible contraceptives like coil and implant fitting.
During the examination, your nurse may find that you have a simple infection that is not sexually transmitted e.g. a thrust or baterial vaginosis. If so, she can offer you immediate treatments without waiting for any swab results. We are able to offer you an appointment time at a clinic location that is suitable for you without the long waiting times you may experience at an NHS clinic and everything is completely confidential – we will not inform your GP unless you specifically ask us to.

Our approach
Who are we?
Here at The Women’s Health Clinic we believe every woman deserves the time to not only talk about her symptoms and understand why it’s happening but also take the time to explore all available options.
Why choose TWHC?
Due to longer life expectancy, women are now spending a third of their lifespan postmenopausal and so managing the menopause is becoming an increasing part of women’s health. With the NHS at crisis point and GP’s increasing overstretched, a 7-10 minute appointment is not enough to thoroughly discuss the many symptoms you many be experiencing due to the menopause, and how they impact on your day to day life and relationships. At TWHC, you will have the opportunity to speak to a specialist nurse for up to 45 minutes.
What can I expect?
What are the common sexually transmitted infections we can screen for?
Chlamydia is one of the most common STIs in the UK.
It is caused by a tiny organism called Chlamydia trachomatis, which is found in the semen and vaginal fluid of infected men and women. While it is very common the majority of women do not present with any symptoms allowing the infection to go unnoticed. More than 2/3’s of women and 1/2 of men have no symptoms, which is why this infection is so easily transmitted and remains undiagnosed. Symptoms in women can include:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge – It may be thin, watery or change in colour.
- You may experience some pain when passing urine.
- Tenderness in the abdomen
- Abnormal bleeding in-between your periods or after sex.
Gonorrhoea is the second most common STI in the UK, after chlamydia. It is caused by a tiny organism, which is found in the semen and vaginal fluid of infected men and women. Five in ten women and one in ten men infected will have symptoms which for women can include:
- Abnormal vaginal discharge – It may be thin, watery or change in colour.
- You may experience some pain when passing urine.
- Tenderness in the abdomen
- Bleeding between your periods, after sex or heavier periods which are abnormal for you.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), is a virus that attacks the immune system and weakens the body’s ability to fight other infections.The virus is found in blood, semen and vaginal fluid of those infected. With early diagnosis and effective treatment, most people with HIV will not go on to develop AIDS but will live a normal healthy life with regular monitoring, which is why its so important to catch the virus as early as possible to prevent it developing into AIDS.
A test for HIV does not affect your insurance policy and early diagnosis is important to ensure you receive the appropriate treatment as soon as possible.
Syphilis is less common than some STIs, but numbers are rising. It is usually caught by having sex with someone who is infected (including oral sex) and can have long term health implications. Syphillis occurs in three distinct stages. Getting tested early is vital because if you reach stage three, any damage that’s already been done will be permanent. Treatment depends on the stage of infection but is generally a single antibiotic injection or course of antibiotic injections.
Testing and diagnosis
We organise testing and diagnosis for all STI’s and treatment for:
- Chlamydia: oral antibiotics
- Genital Herpes: oral antiviral medication
- Genital warts: topical cream applied over 4-8 weeks or liquid nitrogen spray weekly (spray treatment only available in clinic)
- Trichomonas Vaginalis: oral antibiotics
- Mycoplasma Genitalium: oral antibiotics
- Molluscum Contagiosum: topical cream applied over 4-8 weeks or liquid nitrogen spray weekly
Opportunistic infections treated are:
- Bacterial Vaginosis: oral antibiotics or intravaginal antibiotic cream
- Vaginal Candida( Thrush): oral antifungal or vaginal ani fungal pessary +/- topical cream
A test kit will be sent to you with a full set of instructions. You will be instructed on how to take the test. It may be a simple swab or finger prick depending on the kit. Once sent back to the lab, we will receive your results. If positive, we will contact you to discuss your next steps in booking a consultation with us. Treatments can be delivered via an online prescription. Follow up consultations can be made if further support is required dependent on the diagnosis.
If necessary prompt onward referral to external services for more specialist cares available.

Sexual Health Pricing
- Chlamydia ✓
- Gonorrhoea ✓
- HIV ✓
- Syphilis ✓
- Does not include consultation with nurse (+£50)
Basic Plus
- Chlamydia ✓
- Gonorrhoea ✓
- HIV ✓
- Syphilis ✓
- Trichomoniasis ✓
- Bacterial Vaginosis ✓
- Candida ✓
- Does not include consultation with nurse (+£50)
- Trichomoniasis ✓
- Bacterial Vaginosis ✓
- Candida ✓
- Does not include consultation with nurse (+£50)
How our services works?
At The Women’s Health Clinic, we firmly believe in putting you, our patient, at the heart of any decision-making. Our practitioners will closely work with you and discuss your symptoms, medical history and treatment plan. It all begins with a free telephone consultation for 20 minutes with one of our specialist nurse advisors. They will talk you through what we do, our processes and how we work. Before you make any commitment, we want you to know what we can offer so you can decide if we are the best fit for you.
Free telephone consultation
We provide a no obligation free telephone consultation where our nurse will discuss our service with you an answer any question.
Book an Appointment
You will be booked in with our specialist nurse or doctor. You will also be sent questionnaires before your appointment so you can tell us a little more about you
Initial Consultation
During your appointment, you will have an in-depth consultation on symptoms and symptom management. They will explore some treatment options for you to make a well-informed decision.
Follow up
A follow up appointment will be booked to make sure you are getting on with your prescription. Any adjustments can be made.