Why waste significant internal resources when we could do a better job with you?
We are your partner in healthcare compliance
Our comprehensive CQC packages are the best value for money proposition for most new and existing clinics
About our CQC Compliance Partners Programme
We do not just advice – we work with you to make sure that quality & compliance is a natural outcome at your clinic
We have developed our own platforms, policies and proceedures to ensure that our clinics are following the best practice guidelines.
We wanted to make sure that our partners clinics therefore benefit from our expertise and also have the benefit of following these infrastructure, processes and standards.
We know that all healthcare providers aims to provide their patients with the best quality experience possible. We believe that no two healthcare providers are the same, so we tailor our service for each of our partners to make sure that we all work within a framework to deliver the best quality care.
Our CQC Registration service is simple and affordable
We know how complex and time consuming CQC Compliance process can be and we are here to take this pain out of this registration process.
We have a friendly team who will work very closely with you to ensure that we make this process as easy as possible regardless of whether you are a start-up or an existing clinic.
We will be very open and transparent with you in terms of the services we will provide and we will not hide behind small prints. We take a partnership approach to business. So it is not just one-off service. Our primary objective is to work with you on a long term basis.
Depending on the package you choose, we will provide support with your business plan, outlining the management policies and procedures required for your application.
To discuss more about our Registration Support service, please get in touch with us on 0800 97 889 05.
Setting up the right Policies and procedures is perhaps the most important task in being a CQC compliant healthcare provider.
To become a new provider of regulated activity, you will not be able to register with the CQC without the right policies and procedures fully in place.
Therefore, it is critical that these are being clearly set-up, documented and developed before we start your your registration process.
The CQC requires that all such documentation is fully up to date with current regulations without exception.
Without fully compliant policies and procedures in line with the Legislation and the best practice, you will not be able undertake any activities regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
Our policies and procedures are designed to serve all sectors although we mainly focus on our partner clinics.
To discuss more about our Registration Support service, please get in touch with us on 0800 97 889 05.
A compliance audit independent of your internal team prior to CQC Compliance visit is always a very good idea
Although we work with our clinical partners on a regular basis. We always recommend that they carry out an adhoc independent compliance audit and a pre-CQC visit compliance audit.
We make sure that our partner clinics gains a comprehensive review and assessment of their existing process during our compliance visit. As a result essential compliance and quality assurance standards are reinforced.
As well as our audit report covering the five key lines of enquiry, we will identify any wider improvements that need to be made. Our compliance audits cover several vital areas of your service including Safeguarding and Quality Assurance.
As part of the audit, we will highlight any potential regulatory breaches and can assist you in remedying these issues. We will work alongside your team to develop an action plan to help improve your rating with the CQC.
Our Compliance Audits will help you by:
Ensuring you have effective governance and quality assurance systems
Identifying any improvements that need to be made
Developing an action plan designed for continual learning and improvements
Reviewing your current audits and compliance documents
Carrying out a full audit report covering the five key lines of enquiries
To discuss more about our Registration Support service, please get in touch with us on 0800 97 889 05.
Key Features
We are not just a consultant, we are also your business partner who will work alongside you
We do not offer one-off consult and go service. We work very closely with you to ensure that you remain compliant
We will make sure that your monthly clinical governance process is seamless
We will provide you with a dedicated system to manage all your events, significant events, complaints and other issues
We will make sure that your practitioners and other team members are fully trained to make sure that our quality is not compromised
We will make sure that your team has a portal to be kept uptodate with all the changes to the Regulatory framework and your organisational workings
Partnership Packages
Compliance service- Excluding VAT
- Guide price (may change at full quotation)
- One site visit every quarter
- Clinical Governance Report
- Compliance audit
- Unlimited phone support (* subject to fair usage restriction)
Compliance service- Excluding VAT
- Guide price (may change at full quotation)
- One site visit every quarter
- Clinical Governance Report
- Compliance audit
- Unlimited phone support (* subject to fair usage restriction)
Compliance service- Excluding VAT
- Guide price (may change at full quotation)
- One site visit every quarter
- Clinical Governance Report
- Compliance audit
- Unlimited phone support (* subject to fair usage restriction)
New Registration
Fee: £7,500 excluding VAT
Changes to Registration
Fees: £2,500 excluding VAT
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