Coronavirus Update

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Updates on The Women’s Health Clinic’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) actions

Please note: this page will be regularly updated (bookmark this page to reference easily)

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE – Thursday 27th January 2022
I am pleased to see that some of the Covid restrictions we have had to endure over the past couple of years are slowly lifting. We have done our utmost to offer a safe environment and professional service during what has been a very difficult time for everyone. We thank you for your support in keeping all our practitioners and patients as safe as possible.

We amended our protocols but being a medical establishment, we continue to encourage everyone to maintain safety precautions which is why you will find a number of measures introduced during the pandemic still in force.

Do not attend if you have tested positive or display symptoms of Coronavirus
Enhanced levels of cleaning, above and beyond our normal high standards
We encourage everyone to use anti-viral hand gel/sanitiser on arrival, observing good hand hygiene.
Wear a face covering in the waiting room and common areas.
The Government suggests you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and indoor spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
Allowing adequate physical distancing where you can.
Regularly testing our staff and contractors
Recognising the importance of the vaccine, we worked with our partners in the NHS to rapidly offer all our staff access to it. We have continued that approach with the booster jab over the winter.
Ensuring good air flow through the buildings, opening windows even in the cold.
Continue to have hand sanitizer, soap dispensers (for rooms with a sink only), tissues and surface wipes in our rooms and we ask you to clean down the couch and desk at the end of your session.

The following message is now superseded:

The Government has announced new rules and restrictions relating to Covid-19, which come into effect on Thursday 5th November 2020.

As a provider of medical services we do not fall into the lockdown category for businesses as listed on the Government website and therefore remain fully open.

You can view the latest Government information via this link :

We already have in place very robust admission and operational procedures and will continue to manage these from the 5th November but must remind all those entering our clinics that face coverings are mandatory.

We do still see people arriving for appointments without a face covering and ask for your help in making sure they are aware of our rules when in the house and for the entirety of their visit. You will be refused entry if you do not wear a face mask.

The instructions for all those visiting our clinics are :

To visit any clinic you must be completely asymptomatic, free of fever, cough, altered smell or taste, or breathing difficulties. You must not be self-isolating due to symptomatic family members or on return to the UK from abroad. If you have any of these symptoms or are self-isolating, you MUST NOT come to the clinic.

If you have an appointment booked, be aware of, and adhere to the following processes prior to their arrival:

· Attend alone if possible (unless a child or vulnerable adult).
· Attend punctually at the time of appointment and avoid waiting unnecessarily.
· Use hand sanitiser on entering.
. Cover mouth and nose with your own face covering or mask.
· A temperature reading may be taken. Should this be above the normal range, we will ask the individual to reschedule their appointment.
· Maintain social distancing at all times but particularly in the communal areas.
· Observe the one way system or other processes outlined at the local clinic. In some clinic you will be requested to wait outside and your practitioner will come and receive you
· We encourage all to bring their own water bottles as disposable cups have been removed for safety reasons.
. No food or drink (except own water) to be consumed in the waiting room areas.
· The lift service is limited to maintain social distancing.

Measures we have and continue to take to reduce the spread of Coronavirus
· Maintained a safe 2m distance between individuals.
· Face coverings worn by all on arrival.
· Frequent hand-washing, following a strict soap-based hand washing (20 secs or more) routine for all our practitioners and facility staff.
· No handshake policy.
· Increased regular deep cleaning
· Ensured access to alcohol-based hand sanitising units, positioned around all clinics.
· Removed all reusable items so disposable items only are available in the kitchen and communal areas.
· Checked our people regularly for any symptoms of Coronavirus and taken immediate and appropriate action.

Superseded message on the 23 March 2020

Covid_19 is a deadly virus that has claimed many lives all across the world including many in the UK. We have followed the Government advice very carefully and took appropriate measure to gradually re-open our clinics.

It was a very tough decision as protecting lives and protecting NHS had always been our key concern. As all of our nurses work in the NHS, we had to be extra careful and approach this critical decision with the delicacy, professionalism and care that it deserves.

We believe we have secured the right balance between our patients demand, our nurses limited availability and most important of all – the safety of the patient and public.

Important notice and instructions for appointments booked at the womens health clinic

  • We have decided to re-open our clinic following recent government update.In line with Government and Public Health England guidelines relating to the current COVID-19 coronavirus situation, we have in place strict processes and procedures to keep everyone as safe as possible.
  • We only allow those with an appointment to attend our clinics
  • Only the person attending appointment will be allowed into building this is to ensure adequate physical distancing can be maintained within the buildings
  • Please wear a suitable face covering and keep this on until you have finished your appointment and left the building.
  • You may be asked to allow a no touch skin temperature check.
  • Please arrive no more than 10 minutes before your appointment – you will not
    Be allowed into the clinic before that time
  • Please make sure that you have had your screening with your nurse before you arrive at your appointment
  • If you have a questionnaire to complete prior to your appointment, please bring this with you

At the reception or at the door you might be asked the following:

  • Your own name and time of appointment
  • The name of person/clinic you are visiting
  • If you are unable to give the above information, you may be turned away.

Please maintain a gap of 2 metres between you and the person in front of you Both outside the building and as you enter

Lift access will be limited

Once inside the clinic :

  • Markers around the clinic will remind you to observe physical distancing.
  • Use the sanitising hand gel or wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Our receptionist will assist you and inform you where to go.
  • Do not shake hands.

Superseded message on the 19 March 2020

It is with sadness, that we have made the decision to temporarily close all of our clinics as of 8pm, Monday 23rd March. We have taken every precautionary measure to keep the health and wellness of our staff, clients, friends and family safe to date, but with the escalating situation to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we feel it is time to close the doors to our clinics while leaving the following open:

1. Telephone consultations
2. Virtual consultations
3. Webinars

Our mission has been to changing the lives of women globally. We will continue this effort digitally and rest assured, we will continue with this mission once we reopen our clinics, with the ambition of re-opening our doors on as soon as they are safe to do so.

All our nurses work for the NHS and at a time of global and national crisis,  their services are greatly needed to save lives. It is only time like this we realise who the real heroes are. We hope that the nation does not forget their sacrifice once we are over these testing times.

We are currently calling all clients to reschedule any outstanding appointments.

Please also find FAQs below

Can I book treatments for more than 3 weeks time?

You may provisionally book ahead but please be aware that we have no idea what the next few weeks may bring and may have to cancel these last minute should the lockdown persist.

Can I book treatments for more than 3 weeks time?

You may provisionally book ahead but please be aware that we have no idea what the next few weeks may bring and may have to cancel these last minute should the lockdown persist.

Can I still book free telephone consultations?

Yes, these can be booked as normal by using the text box on the website, by calling 0800 488 0909, or by booking on line

How do I maintain or Improve my pelvic floor tone?
Many of our existing patients will have been examined and coached in pelvic floor exercises. We will publish the content  (as a PDF) of our pelvic floor leaflet which was compiled by one of our midwives for easy reference on the website and via social media. New patients looking for advice can schedule a call with one of our team for further free remote advice during the lockdown.
Other recommendations are:
  • Daily manual squeezes as you may have been taught by your practitioner.
  • Use of apps to help remind you, such as the NHS Squeezy app.
  • We hope to record some simple guidance via a video from our nurses and midwives ( These may be less professional than our usual quality as our team are all self-isolating, but will nonetheless be informative and helpful)
  • Use of simple self-purchased devices such as the Neen educator ( which our nurses can explain via the telephone if necessary), and our own range of Kegel weighted balls which we were due to launch next month with professional videos. ( Again we may need to record some interim instructions). These retail at £49.99 and as a special offer we are offering free postage and packing to UK addresses for all our existing patients during the lockdown period.
I am on a treatment program, what if the time between treatments is longer than expected or recommended?
The minimum time between treatments for those patients on the initial program of 3 is 6-8 weeks. This is a minimum time due to the collagen growth process. Collagen will keep being produced for several months after this time, and a slightly longer gap will have no detrimental effect to the outcomes.
We recommend that patients having the Nu-V support the collagen improvements continue with daily pelvic floor exercises ( 15-20 per day recommended).
Can I still have my third treatment if the 12 month recommended time limit passes?

Yes we will honour this for all patient’s whose timescale lapses during the lockdown period. At the earliest opportunity we will rebook once normal service resumes.

Will I lose my deposit if I cancel or am cancelled by you?

No. These remain saved on the system.

Are all sites closed?

Yes, all of our UK sites are currently closed as of 24/3/20 in accordance with government advice.

Coronavirus – what to do?

You will need to follow the below advice issued by public health England:

To avoid spreading infection:

If you live alone, do not leave your home for 7 days
Do not leave your home for 7 days from when your symptoms started, however mild they are.
If your temperature is still high after 7 days, stay at home until it’s back to normal.
If you live with other people, keep everyone at home for 14 days
The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.
It is likely that people living within a household will infect each other or be infected already. Staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the spread of infection to others in the community.

Coronavirus – What are the symptoms?

A high temperature (indicated by thermometer or feeling hot to touch on chest and/or back)
A new continuous cough. New: means a cough that you’ve not had before, or if you usually have a cough, it’s got worse.
Continuous: means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours.

Why are the clinics closed?

Our clinics are temporarily closed in light of the current situation with COVID-19. As a responsible provider we have taken this decision to close to ensure the safety of our clients and employees and supporting them through this uncertain time.

How long will clinics be closed?

We will be working in line with government guidelines and will re-open accordingly. To stay up to date with the latest information please regularly visit our website. You can also follow us on our social channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

How will I know when the clinic reopens?

We will contact you, in the meanwhile for the latest information regularly visit our website and we recommend to bookmark this page for easy reference. You can also follow us on our social channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

How do I reschedule my appointment?

We will contact you to reschedule your appointments for a later date.

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