Lyndsey Hiatt

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My name is Lyndsey Hiatt. I’m 28-years old, a mother of five and a professional dog groomer. Life always has its ups and downs. And my life is no different.

All of my newborn children were big, weighing from 8.6oz to 9.9oz. While having my last two children, I started to notice a difference in my private parts from having the babies. When I would cough or laugh, I’d leak. It got me paranoid and I got really insecure. My sensation wasn’t that great after five births and it drove my level of confidence really low. Slowly I got depressed over it and suffered with anxiety. I was at times afraid of leaving the house. At one point I decided to seek medical help and Googled to find surgical services at a low price. But I couldn’t find any, as the minimum expense for the operation was around £3500. And it also requires for me to stay off my work for 4-6 weeks. I was about to lose all my hopes, when I found The Women’s Health Clinic.

That company offered me a non-surgical laser treatment inside the vagina. It would create tiny wounds outside which would enable the body to re-heal itself. It would cause the body to produce collagen to make the skin more youthful and elastic, zapping away all the dead skin cells to produce new ones. The laser does not hurt and it only takes 25 minutes per treatment. It enables you to have intercourse only after 4 days of self-healing! How amazing is that! And it only cost £499 for one treatment or £998 for three treatments at the cost of two.

Only after 3 days my sensation was back already and I was so sensitive! The result was fast and I felt just the way I felt before having my children! The leakage stopped right after one treatment and my partner & I could notice the difference straight away! It was absolutely amazing! I noticed a dramatic difference in the appearance over the 4 weeks period and I regained my lost confidence. I outgrew my depression and anxiety and I can only thank The Women’s Health Clinic for this. They had been a lifesaver and I felt so comfortable talking to them because it’s ran by female nurses! Because it’s not easy to talk about stuff like this but I didn’t feel any sort of hesitation when I was taking their treatment. They are really friendly and will make you feel right at ease.

I have had my second treatment and again my sensation was a lot more sensitive. My pelvic floor muscles became very, very strong and I could clench and hold. I can honestly say this changed my life. My confidence is through the roof and I have no more worries left. This treatment changed me into a strong and confident woman and I am grateful for this.

And if you’re reading this and have any questions, please ask away without any hesitation. I’m more than happy to answer and to talk to you, help and support each and every one of you. I will be the voice for you and help you get out of the rough situation that I was once in.

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