
Women's Health Matters
Nurse led team Changing lives with TLC


Women's Health Matters
Nurse led team Changing lives with TLC

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A consultation in a private setting at a time that is convenient for you, coil fitted by our FSRH-accredited nurses


Safe | Quick | Shared decision making


Treatment Scope

Informed choices


Virtual clinics



In clinic



Reproductive health


all women have different needs when looking for a method of contraception.We know that for many women, with busy lifestyles, it is difficult to get an appointment at a time that is convenient for you.


We offer you a consultation in a private setting at a time that is convenient for you with an assigned nurse who will be available to you


After spending up to one hour discussing your needs and the options available to you they will then be able to prescribe the appropriate form of contraception.


If your assigned practitioner writes you a prescription, our partner pharmacy will be in touch with you to deliver your prescription right to your door.


As our patient, you will be given a dedicated nurse that will help with your questions after treatment. Plus, access to an exclusive Facebook community.


It all comes down to being well informed and making choices that feel right for your. We are here to help you take charge of your health.

Looking for contraception?

Here at The Women’s Health Clinic we understand that all women have different needs when looking for a method of contraception. While contraception is free on the NHS we know that for many women, with busy lifestyles, it is difficult to get an appointment at a time that is convenient for you. Often, NHS appointment times need to be booked weeks in advance, run behind schedule and you are then given a short consultation period which may leave you feeling frustrated and bewildered.

The Women’s Health Clinic offer you a consultation in a private setting at a time that is convenient for you. You will have a named nurse who will be available to you for your initial consultation and all follow up appointments. Our nurses are accredited by The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH). This means that they are qualified experts in the field of sexual health and contraception.

After spending up to one hour discussing your needs and the options available to you they will then be able to prescribe the appropriate form of contraception.


Making a choice

Our specialist nurses will help you choose an appropriate contraception that suits you. Before you choose a contraceptive you may need to consider:

  • Whether you want to become pregnant fairly soon, few years away or not at all.
  • A method to suit your lifestyle
  • Whether you want to use a contraceptive method every day, every time you have sex or less often

Why choose us?

Here at The Women’s Health Clinic we believe every woman deserves the time to not only talk about her symptoms and understand why it’s happening but also take the time to explore all available options.

Why Choose TWHC?

Due to longer life expectancy, women are now spending a third of their lifespan postmenopausal and so managing the menopause is becoming an increasing part of women’s health. With the NHS at crisis point and GP’s increasing overstretched, a 7-10 minute appointment is not enough to thoroughly discuss the many symptoms you many be experiencing due to the menopause, and how they impact on your day to day life and relationships. At TWHC, you will have the opportunity to speak to a specialist nurse for up to 45 minutes.

Your choice

Finding the best method of birth control can be very difficult. The most ideal method is one that is safe for you, one that you feel comfortable with to use consistently and one that you can use correctly. Your preferred method of birth control may change over your lifetime and is influenced by many different factors. Our specialists are here to advice and discuss with you a variety of options.

What we provide

There are various types of contraception methods that we can offer.

Short-Acting Contraception
Short-acting reversible hormonal contraception which include Progestogen only pill, Combined Hormonal Oral contraceptive pill, Vaginal Ring and Transdermal patch. These are considered short-acting methods because you have to remember to use them on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. These can be done face to face in our clinic setting or online via a virtual consultation. Through our virtual services, your contraception will be sent to you via our delegated pharmacy.

Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC)
Long-acting reversible hormonal contraception is a term for highly effective forms of birth control that can last for many years. Examples include coils and implants. More information can be found below.

Contraceptive Implant

The contraceptive implant is a small flexible rod (approx. the size of a matchstick ~4cm). It is also known as nexplanon and is inserted into your upper arm. It is very convenient as you do not have to take a pill every day and once it has been fitted by one of our specially qualified nurses, it can remain in place for up to 3 years. Later on, if you decide you want to have a baby, it can be removed and your fertility will return to normal. It is safe for women who cannot take oestrogen-containing contraceptives or who are breastfeeding.

It’s also worth noting that the contraceptive implant:

  • Requires a small procedure to fit and remove, which may cause some tenderness, bruising and swelling.
  • You will be able to feel the implant in your arm
  • A common side effect is that periods may stop, be irregular or last longer. The irregular bleeding should resolve within three months. If it doesn’t please contact your named nurse for further advice.
  • Other reported side effects include: headaches, acne, nausea, breast tenderness, changes in mood and loss of sex drive. Most of these resolve within three months

It works by slowly releasing the hormone progestogen into your bloodstream over three years. This is similar to the hormone that is naturally released by a woman during her period. A steady release of progestogen prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg each month (ovulation). They also make it harder for sperm to get into the womb and reach an egg. It is a very effective form of contraception and estimated to be 99.9% effective.


Intrauterine device (IUD) and Intrauterine System (IUS)

IUD (non-hormonal)
The IUD is a small plastic and copper device that is inserted into your womb. It is over 99% effective. The copper in the IUD changes fluids in your womb and fallopian tubes to stop the sperm surviving there. It also prevents the egg that has joined with a sperm from growing.

If you decide to have an IUD, it can be fitted during consultation by your assigned, named nurse. This process usually takes 15 to 20 minutes. It can last up to 10 years depending on the type chosen. You will be shown how to check that the IUD is still in the correct place.

An IUCD is also a LARC and works as soon as it has been fitted. It is very safe and convenient and can be used while breastfeeding. It is not affected by other medicines, and your fertility returns to normal as soon as it’s removed. However it can make your periods heavier, longer or more painful

IUS (hormonal)
The IUS is a small plastic device that looks like the letter T and is inserted into your womb by your named nurse. It is one of the most effective forms of contraception available in the UK and is estimated to be over 99% effective.

It is fitted in the same way as an IUD and can stay in for three to five years depending upon which one you opt for. You will be shown how to check that it is still in place. It is safe to use while breast feeding and is not affected by other medicines. The IUS releases the hormone progestogen and it works by thinning the lining of the womb . Therefore you may find your periods are lighter, shorter and less painful. It can also be used to provide the progesterone component of HRT.

A small number of women may experience acne, mood swings, headaches and breast tenderness. Vaginal bleeding is also common initially.

Natural family planning

Natural family planning teaches you when you can have sex each month without contraception with a reduced pregnancy risk. It works by certain body signs and symptoms indicating fertility. Therefore, you can work out when you’re likely to be fertile and more likely to get pregnant if you have sex. One of our specially trained nurses will help you to spot three signs that predict fertility. During your fertile time, you will need to avoid sex, or use a barrier method of contraception like condoms.

Most women who have regular cycles can be shown this method by one of our specially qualified nurses. This method has no side effects and teaches you proved body awareness.

However, it can be a less effective method of contraception and can take people a long while to learn.

There are a lot of things can disrupt normal fertility signs, you may need to avoid sex or use contraception for up to 16 days in a month during your fertile time. Your named nurse will be able to discuss this method with you at length during your consultation and will be there to support you while you learn the technique.

There are very few centres in the UK that teach this method and The Women’s Health Clinic are able to provide you with expert advice and support to enable you to correctly use this method.


Contraception Pricing

How our services works?

At The Women’s Health Clinic, we firmly believe in putting you, our patient, at the heart of any decision-making. Our practitioners will closely work with you and discuss your symptoms, medical history and treatment plan. It all begins with a free telephone consultation for 20 minutes with one of our specialist nurse advisors. They will talk you through what we do, our processes and how we work. Before you make any commitment, we want you to know what we can offer so you can decide if we are the best fit for you.


Free telephone consultation

We provide a no obligation free telephone consultation where our nurse will discuss our service with you an answer any question.


Book an Appointment

You will be booked in with our specialist nurse or doctor. You will also be sent questionnaires before your appointment so you can tell us a little more about you


Initial Consultation

During your appointment, you will have an in-depth consultation on symptoms and symptom management. They will explore some treatment options for you to make a well-informed decision.



If you proceed with treatment with consent, your practitioner will carry out the treatment. A prescription may be written and sent to an independent pharmacy. You will be in touch with them regarding payment and delivery.



We always ask you to share your experience with us and let us know how we can improve our services.


Follow up

A follow up appointment will be booked to make sure you are getting on with your prescription. Any adjustments can be made.